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Sholund School for Girls

Contact Information

Sholund School for Girls
370 Annandale Boulevard
Annandale, MN 55302
Phone: 320.286.2922
Fax: 320.261.5243

About the Program

Sholund School for Girls is an educational program located on the grounds of Village Ranch, Inc., a residential facility for females, licensed by the Department of Corrections.  The educational program serves students from the residence as well as day students living in local communities.  Students attending Sholund range from 12-18 years of age.  Some students have pre-identified disabilities in the area of Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD) or Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD), or have other learning difficulties.  School staff are experienced, and trained to educate and nurture students with these unique needs.  Students who qualify for special education services have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) developed by the student’s team.  

Meeker and Wright Special Education Cooperative (MAWSECO), ISD #938, serves as the fiscal agent and provides staff supervision, staff development and educational support. Students may be offered mainstream opportunities through the Annandale School District, or their local school district, on an individual needs basis as identified by the student’s team.  Opportunities might vary from one block/hour to full-day participation.

Our Mission

Sholund’s goal is to transition students with academic, behavioral and/or emotional difficulties to successful integration into mainstream educational and/or work opportunities.  Sholund provides a flexible, safe environment in which students can experience educational success.  Dedicated to and structured by strong social and behavioral components, the program is enhanced by quality academic instruction.  The following belief statements guide program development, implementation, and evaluation of all aspects of the program.

  • Individual students are responsible for their own choices, behavior, consequences and well-being.

  • Communication and support between the family and/or guardian and the school staff are essential for student accountability and success.

  • Students’ and family/guardians’ needs are identified and a plan is implemented on an individual basis.

  • A primary goal is reintegration into the “mainstream” of family, community, work site and school when success is probable.

  • The program uses a positive, multi-theoretical approach.

  • A team concept for decision making and programming is used in all aspects of the program.  Residential staff (as appropriate), parent/guardian, county, and school staff are actively and continually involved in planning, advocacy, and consultation.

  • The education program supports long-term life skill acquisition.