About the Program
"Traveling from one place to another"
The Journeys program is located at the MAWSECO Education Center in Howard Lake and serves children with behavioral needs in grades K-4. It is a multi-district program and is managed by Meeker & Wright Special Education Cooperative.
Journeys serves young students with behavioral needs that cannot be met within their home school district. Typically, these students have not been successful in a less restrictive environment. Students receive academic classes, social and life skills which are individualized to foster learning and successful interactions with peers and adults. Most students function within the average range of intelligence, but may have learning disabilities or discrepancies in their academic achievement. Students are recommended for these services by their IEP team and with the approval of district administration.
The students reintegrate, as appropriate, back to their home school as recommended by the IEP team. Referrals are completed and submitted to the district special education coordinator and reviewed and approved by the Journeys Referral Team.