Autism Resources at MAWSECO
Title | Description |
101 Activities for Kids in Tight Spaces |
When what you've got is a small space and a restless child, what you need are 101 ingenious solutions - right away! Here they are - easy to implement, creative fun for the three to seven year old - activities that can turn tough moments into teachable, terrific ones. |
1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders by: Veronica Zysk & Ellen Notbohm 2004 |
Jam-packed with practical ideas on the big-ticket challenges of kids with ASD, this book offers page after page of try-it-now solutions that have worked for thousands with children grappling with communication, social sensory, behavior, self-care issues and more. |
A "5" Could Make Me Lose Control! by: Kari Dunn Buron |
This interactive way of using the 5-point scale offers a very concrete way of helping children with autism spectrum disorders to understand and control their emotional responses. This hands-on tool allows the child to tangibly participate in identifying and controlling stressful situations by reviewing the visual prompts and differentiating his response to each. |
A "5" is Against the Law! by: Kari Dunn Buron |
This supplement to The Incredible 5-Point Scale, is a meaningful, yet humorous and easy-to-use intervention that identifies and explains how to handle different levels of anxiety, frustration and anger. |
ABLLS: The Assessment of Basic Language & Learning Skills |
This two-part package contains an Assessment, Curriculum Guide and Skills Tracking System. One component is the ABLLS Scoring Instructions and and IEP Development Guide. The second part is an ABLLS Protocol. This is often used to outline an IEP and to develop a baseline working with children at their skill level. (2 volume set) |
Amazingly...Alphie! by: Roz Espin |
Amazingly..Alphie speaks to every child and adult as it leads us gently into thinking of times when we ourselves have felt different, or perhaps more importantly, the ways in which we have treated others whom we did not understand. |
Andy and His Yellow Frisbee by: Mary Thompson 1996 |
This heartwarming story introduces young readers to autism, a disability that can be particularly confusing for those who know little about it. Recommended for elementary school-aged siblings, friends and classmates. A lovely, gentle story that should appeal to young readers who are new in school or struggling with friendships, as well as those who are interested in autism. |
An Introduction to "How Does Your Engine Run?" The Alert Program for Self-Regulation by: Mary Sue Williams, OTR & Sherry Shellenberger, OTR |
A brief introduction to the Alert Program for Self-Regulation is included in this 24-page booklet. This resource could assist teams in determining whether to include the "How Does Your Engine Run" program into the daily routine of a child with autism spectrum disorders. The Alert Program teaches children, parents and teachers how to recognize arousal states as they relate to attention, learning and behavior, then identify self-regulation strategies for children to regulate their own arousal states. |
Asperger's Huh? A Child's Perspective by: Rosina G. Schnurr, Ph.D. |
This quick, easy to read book written from a child's perspective of Asperger's gives advice on friends, "social sillies", sports, school and anxiety busters. It also provides excellent strategies for dealing with the disorder for parents and educators. An excellent resource for middle school aged children with Asperger's. |
Asperger Syndrome - A Guide for Educators and Parents by: Brenda Smith Myles & Richard Simpson 1998 |
This comprehensive new practitioner-oriented text contains chapters on *Understanding the Meaning and Nature of Asperger Syndrome *Assessing Students with Asperger Syndrome *Teaching Academic Content to Students with Asperger Syndrome * Planning for Social and Behavioral Success *Planning for Life After School, and *Understanding Asperger Syndrome and Its Impact on the Family |
Asperger Syndrome - A Guide for Parents and Professionals by: Tony Atwood 1998 (3 copies) |
Provides a description and analysis of the unusual characteristics of this syndrome, with strategies to reduce those that are most conspicuous or debilitating. This guide brings together the most relevant and useful information on all aspects of the syndrome, from language and social behavior to motor clumsiness and concludes with a chapter based on the questions most frequently asked by those who come into contact with individuals with this syndrome. |
Asperger Syndrome: A Practical Guide for Teachers by: Val Cumine, Julie Leach and Gill Stevenson 1998 |
This is a clear and concise guide to effective classroom practice for teachers and support assistants working with children with Asperger Syndrome in mainstream schools and other non-specialist settings. The book seeks to inform professionals meeting a child with Asperger Syndrome for the first time and to equip them with effective educational and behavioral intervention strategies. |
Asperger Syndrome and Adolescence Dr. Teresa Bolick |
Child psychologist, Teresa Bolick, presents strategies for helping the ten-to-eighteen year-old achieve happiness and success by maximizing the benefits of AS and minimizing the drawbacks. You'll learn: *How to work with the school to help the AS child learn and succeed *Strategies for turning common AS traits like preoccupations and routines into positive strengths *How to help the AS teen learn to manage unforeseen glitches with grace *The best ways to talk to your teen about friendship, love, romance, and sex. |
Asperger Syndrome and the Elementary School Experience: Practical Solutions for Academic and Social Difficulties by: Susan Thompson Moore (2 copies) |
Written by an educator and mother of two children with autism spectrum disorders, this resource is chockfull of practical ideas for addressing the academic and social needs of elementary-aged children with Asperger Syndrome. Lots of forms, checklists and other visuals make these helpful and effective suggestions easy to implement. |
Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale (ASDS) (Examiner's Manual with protocols) by: Brenda Smith Myles, Stacey Jones Bock & Richard L. Simpson |
This quick easy to use rating scale can help determine whether a child (ages 5-18) has Asperger Syndrome. The 50 items that comprise the scale are drawn from five specific areas of behavior: cognitive, maladaptive, language, social and sensori-motor. The ASDS can be used to (a) identify persons who have AS, (b) document behavioral progress as a consequence of special intervention programs, (c) target goals for change and intervention on the student's IEP and (d) measure AS for research purposes. |
Asperger Syndrome and Adolescence: Practical Solutions for School Success by: Brenda Smith Myles and Diane Adreon 2001 (2 copies) |
Asperger Syndrome and Adolescence is co-authored by a mother of an adolescent with Asperger Syndrome. This resource is an excellent overview of the challenges that this population encounters as they enter their teens. But perhaps more important, this resource offers an array of practical, proven interventions to help address these challenges. |
Asperger Syndrome and Difficult Moments: Practical Solutions for Tantrums, Rage and Meltdowns by: Brenda Smith Myles & Jack Southwick 1999 (2 copies) |
Written for parents and practitioners, this easy-to-read book (originally published as Asperger Syndrome and Rage) offers practical solutions to the day-to-day challenges facing individuals with Asperger Syndrome and their families. With a major emphasis on tantrums and other behavioral outbursts, the book offers strategies that promote social skills development, including self-awareness, self-calming and self-management, thereby promoting effective lifelong practices. |
Asperger Syndrome & Your Child - A Parent's Guide by: Michael D. Powers with Janet Poland 2002 |
Dr. Michael Powers weaves together an extremely compassionate and easy-to-read account of everything related to AS, detecting early signs of the condition, getting the right diagnosis, helping a child develop social skills. The book describes many of the feelings a child with AS may have and outlines encouraging ways to involve both family and child in a supportive community. The book also describes how a person with Asperger Syndrome can adapt to real-world problems and make the most of the talents he or she possesses, unlocking the child's potential to become a successful, independent adult. |
Asperger Syndrome and Sensory Issues (Practical Solutions for Making Sense of the World) by: Brenda Smith Myles, Katherine Tapscott Cook, Nancy Miller, Louann Rinner, Lisa Robbins (Illustrator: Penny Chiles) 2000 (2 copies) |
This new book uncovers the puzzling behaviors of children and youth with Asperger Syndrome that have a sensory base, therefore are often difficult to pinpoint and interpret. It covers the impact of the sensory system on behavior reviews, formal and informal assessment tools and offers an invaluable set of practical interventions that can be used by parents and educators alike. |
Asperger's Syndrome in Young Children - A Developmental Guide for Parents and Professionals by: Laurie Leventhal-Belfer and Cassandra Coe 2004 |
This landmark book focuses on how Asperger's Syndrome (AS) presents in young children. An essential guide for parents coming to terms with their child's AS diagnosis and for the professionals who work with this age group, it is unique in answering pressing questions specific to younger children. |
Asperger Syndrome: Practical Strategies for the Classroom: A Teacher's Guide by: The Leicester City Council and Leicestershire County Council 1998 |
The first part of the guide gives an overview of Asperger syndrome and outlines the three core areas of impairment. The remainder of the guide is broken down into six sections, three corresponding to the "core" impairments and a further three focused on broad areas of difficulty which are commonly experienced or presented in school. |
Asperger Syndrome, The Universe and Everythingby: Kenneth Hall 2001 |
Kenneth Hall was diagnosed with AS at the age of eight. Although he is bright (a member of MENSA) and articulate, his behavior could be challenging and easily misread, resulting in difficult early school years. Following his diagnosis, the local Education Board intervened and provided him with a laptop computer to encourage him to express himself. This book is the result. Kenneth is in the unique position to describe some of the inner experiences and perceptions of autism in childhood. He has a warm and positive attitude toward Asperger's Syndrome which other children will find inspiring. Insights, struggles and joys are recounted vividly in a frank and humorous way. |
Asperger's...What Does It Mean to Me? - A Workbook Explaining Self-Awareness and Life Lessons to the Child or Youth with High Functioning Autism or Asperger Syndrome by: Catherine Faherty 2000 (2 copies) |
This new book is an in-depth aid to help your child or student learn about autism and to help you talk together about autism's profound effects, and can be a starting place for self-discovery, growth and positive action. Each chapter is divided into two parts: workbook pages for you and your child to read together and fill in, and a section for parents and teachers which supplements the workbook pages with related concepts, ideas and practical suggestions for home and school. |
A Treasure Chest of Behavioral Strategies for Individuals with Autismby: Beth Fouse, PhD & Maria Wheeler, M Ed 1997 |
Written in user-friendly language, this book offers comprehensive insights into the entire spectrum of behavior challenges - with answers to improve those behaviors. An excellent guide for anyone who has a child or student with behavior challenges. |
AuSM Resource Directoryby: Autism Society of Minnesota (2 copies) | May, 2002 - Listing of resources in Minnesota including: educational, legal, medical, vocational, county, etc. |
Autism: An Introduction to Psychological Theory by: Francesca Happe' 1994 |
In this lucid and elegant book, Francesca Happe' provides a concise overview of current psychological theory and research that synthesizes the established work on the biological foundations, cognitive consequences and behavioral manifestations of this disorder. She focuses her discussion on the cognitive approaches that deal with both thought and feeling - those hypotheses of mind that link brain to action, deepen our understanding of the autistic person's apprehension of the world and offer better approaches to effectively managing the behavior of autistics in the world. The book reviews the latest research into the communication, socialization and imaginative potential of autistics and further distinguishes the levels of severity in autism. Happe' also includes a discussion of the talented few high functioning autistics with Asperger's syndrome and of the many non-related autistic behaviors of early childhood. |
Autism-Asperger's and Sexuality: Puberty and Beyond by: Jerry & Mary Newport 2002 |
Anyone who has read Jerry Newport's first book,Your Life is Not a Label, knows that he has a knack for bringing understanding, humor, warmth and a large part of himself to any subject. Nowhere is his invaluable talent more important than in helping to explain the timeless mysteries of sexuality to the autistic spectrum teenager and young adult. |
Autism Asperger's: Solving the Relationship Puzzle by: Steven E. Gutstein, Ph.D. 2000 |
Dr. Gutstein's innovative program, Relational Development Intervention, is designed to encourage genuine reciprocal relationships.Solving the Relationship Puzzle describes ways to steer children with autism onto a bright new path of self-discovery and social awareness that will ultimately bring them home to meaningful friendships, shared emotions and heartfelt connections with the people in their lives. |
Autism & Asperger Syndrome by: Uta Frith with contributors: Lorna Wing and Christopher Gillberg 1991 |
Chapters include topics such as: the relationship of autism and Asperger Syndrome, living with the syndrome, and Asperger Syndrome in adulthood. |
Autism Diagnostic Inventory - Revised (ADI-R) | The ADI-R is an extended interview designed to elicit a full range of information needed to produce a diagnosis of autism and to assist in the assessment of related autism spectrum disorders. An experienced clinical interviewer meets with a parent or primary caregiver to look at developmental history and current day-to-day behaviors of students ranging from mental ages of 2 years and up. Total time to administer and score is typically 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours and can only be used by appropriately trained individuals. |
Autism & PDD - Picture Stories and Language Activities by: Patricia Snair Koski 1998 |
Repetition, structure and routine make this program great for students with autism, PDD or delayed language development. These sequenced picture stories focus on basic, easy-to-follow elements. Students will: *describe simple stories using colorful picture cards *predict, retell and sequence events in the story *match large print sentence strips to pictures *answer yes/no to wh- questions with flash cards *act out each story to demonstrate comprehension |
Autism & PDD - Social Skills Lessons (Adolescent) by: Pam Britton Reese, Nena Challenner 1999 |
These one-page rebus lessons target the skills that older students with autism or PDD need to succeed in school and in life. Each book includes instructional lessons and behavioral lessons, organized into five books with 50 activities each. |
Autism & PDD - Social Skills Lessons (Primary) by: Pam Britton Reese, Nena Challenner 1999 |
These structured one-page rebus lessons help teach needed social skills to children ages 3 to 8. Engaging pictures help children "read" the lessons with you. You get 40 lessons in five areas: school, community, home, behavior and getting along. |
Autism, Play and Social Interaction by: Lone Gammeltoft & Marianne Sollok Nordenhof |
Autism Resource Book: Vol.1 - Identification & Assessment Vol.2 - Communication & Social Skills Vol.3 - Visual Supports, Instruction Models & Inservice Materials Vol.4 - Parent Information & Resources |
3-Ring Binder volumes of criteria and handouts compiled by Regions 5 & 7 Autism Task Force |
Autism Screening Instrument for Educational Planning - Third Edition - An Assessment and Educational Planning System for Autism and Developmental Disabilities by: David Krug, Joel Arick, Patricia Almond |
The ASIEP-2 uses five components to provide data on five unique aspects of behavior with individuals from 18 months of age through adulthood. The components of the ASIEP-2 (a) examine behavior in five areas: sensory, relating, body concept, language and social self-help; (b) sample vocal behavior; (c) assess interaction; (d) assess communication; and (e) determine learning rate. When combined, these subtests provide a profile of abilities in spontaneous verbal behavior, social interaction, education level and learning characteristics. |
Autism Through the Lifespan - The Eden Model by: David L. Holmes EdD Foreword by: Eric Schopler, PhD 1998 |
With numerous examples and case histories, this book presents an in-depth model for helping children and adults with autism that will be of interest to professionals and parents alike. It begins with an overview of what is known about autism today and continues with discussions about Eden's approach to modifying behavior, placement and treatment, their "zero reject" policy, curriculum from early childhood to adulthood, staffing issues, integration, decision making and parental roles. |
Autism Treatment Guide by: Elizabeth K. Gerlach |
This guidebook will not only save (parents) countless hours of searching out resources, but will also assure them that they will not overlook any of the major treatment options that are "out there" for them to consider. |
A Work In Progress: Behavior Management Strategies and a Curriculum for Intensive Behavioral Treatment of Autism by: Ron Leaf and John McEachin 1999 (6 copies) |
This two-part work gives you intervention tactics and a complete program for implementing them in one easy-to-use format. Behavioral Management and Teaching Strategies with Autistic Children gives parents insights and methods for dealing with difficult behaviors and self stimulation. The manual helps parents manage and reduce disruptive behavior and offers guidelines on sleep problems, toileting issues, eating issues, social skills, and learning how to play. Autism Partnership Curriculum for Discrete Trial Teaching with Autistic Children is a complete curriculum for teaching skills to children with step-by-step instructions as well as creative ideas on how to make learning a natural progression. Emphasis is placed on learning in different settings, the importance of learning age-appropriate skills, and creating a home program that involves the enjoyment of learning. |
Behavioral Interventions for Young Children with Autism: A Manual for Parents and Professionals Edited by: Catherine Maurice & co-edited by: Gina Green & Stephen C. Luce 1996 (2 copies) |
Based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis, developed by O. Ivar Lovass, PhD. This manual, inspired by that research, provides a wealth of practical information for parents and professionals. |
Behavior Modification - Basic Principles - 2nd Edition by: Saul Axelrod and R. Vance Hall 1999 | A must-have for anyone who wishes to understand and change undesirable behavior. This is the primer on the topic of behavior modification, offering an overview of the basic principles that govern human behavior. It gives you a means to manage behavior more effectively and efficiently and in a positive (rather than punitive) manner. |
Being Social Fall 2005 |
This teaching tool DVD contains short vignettes depicting appropriate behaviors and responses in social settings. It was developed by Penny Cammack and Karin Marquardt and was funded by the MN State Autism Project |
Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD (Pervasive Development Disorder) by: William Shaw, PhD. 1998 |
What's going on? What can you do about it? A comprehensive and easy-to-read guide to the most current research and medical therapies for autism and PDD. |
Bullying Prevention Program - Educating ALL students on how bullying affects everyone! by: Carol Gray and Judy Williams |
No Fishing Allowed is a violence prevention program that addresses various elements of bullying behaviors. Emphasizes empowerment strategies for all students who are affected by bully/target relationships. It also provides teachers with information, ideas and activities to address bullying attempts and other unfriendly social interactions. In addition, it addresses topics such as peer conflict versus bullying attempts, tattling versus reporting, word bullying, friendship bullying, gender-specific bullying, anti-bullying strategies for witnesses and many more. |
Can I Tell You About Asperger Syndrome? - A Guide for Friends and Family by: Jude Welton |
This is a brief book written to explain Asperger Syndrome, both to classmates and individuals on the spectrum. It is sufficiently brief for a young audience, but also gives good, specific examples. |
Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) by: Eric Schopler, PhD., Robert J. Reichler, M.D. & Barbara Rochen Rennder, PhD. - (2 copies) 1988 |
The CARS is a 15-item behavioral rating scale developed to identify children with autism and to distinguish them from developmentally handicapped children without the autism syndrome. |
Children with Autism (A Developmental Perspective) by: Marian Sigman & Lisa Capps 1997 |
A window on the insular world of autism, this book offers a rare look at the mysterious condition that afflicts approximately 350,000 Americans and affects millions more. As they make sense of the many features of autism at every level of intellectual functioning across the life span, Marian Sigman and Lisa Capps weave together clinical vignettes, research findings, methodological considerations and historical accounts. The result is a compelling, comprehensive view of the disorder, as true to human experience as it is to scientific observation. |
Children with Autism: A Parent's Guide 2000 Edited by: Michael D. Powers, Psy.D. |
This second new edition now includes the latest diagnostic information, extensive coverage of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) as an intervention, plus chapters on *diagnosis *daily life *family life *education *advocacy *adjustment *medical problems and treatments *development *legal rights and *adults with autism. Also includes an extensive reading list and national resource guide. |
Comic Strip Conversations by: Carol Gray 1994 |
Colorful, illustrated interactions with students with autism and related disorders. |
Crossing Bridges: A Parent's Perspective on Coping After a Child is Diagnosed with Autism/PDD (Pervasive Development Disorder) by: Viki Satkiewica-Gayhardt, Barbara Peerenboom & Roxanne Campbell, R.N. 1997 |
Written by mothers whose children have been diagnosed with autism/PDD and related disorders, this book is full of basic information about autism as well as first-hand advice and experience. For anyone whose child has been diagnosed, this book attempts to share with the reader what the authors know to be currently available to those children with autism/PDD. It contains a glossary of terms and a long list of resources for parents to use. |
Developing Leisure Time Skills for Persons with Autism - A Practical Approach for Home, School and Community by: Phyllis Coyne, Colleen Nyberg and Mary Lou Vandenburg 1999 |
This easy-to-use book provides practical information and guidelines to enable individuals with autism to develop competency for choosing and engaging in enjoyable leisure activities - a positive means of reducing inappropriate self-stimulation or stereotypic behavior. Includes dozens of Activity Cards with guidelines for use for community outings, games, sports, hobbies and crafts, arts and sensory explorations. |
Developing Talents - Careers for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism (2004) Temple Grandin |
This book contains concrete help for adolescents and young adults preparing for the adult world of work. This book is of equal value to individuals on the autism spectrum, their parents, educators, and career-guidance professionals. |
Developing Talents - Updated Expanded Edition 2008 Temple Grandin |
This book is designed to take readers - those on the autism spectrum and their family members, teachers, counselors and other adults who make a difference in young lives - through the career planning process. It includes information on discovering and growing the talents and interests that might lead to satisfying work as well as a career planning and job search process. |
Do-Watch-Listen-Say - Social and Communication Intervention for Children with Autism by: Kathleen Ann Quill 2000 |
This comprehensive intervention guide and accompanying activities are easily adapted to develop a curriculum for both children who are verbal and those who use augmentative and alternative communication, and it can be implemented at home or in the classroom. This practical, user-friendly resource, based on research-based techniques, gives you the methods you need to build social and communication skills in children with autism. Includes a new state-of-the-art assessment tool to guide your curriculum for individual students; a range of proven strategies that combine the best of behavioral and developmental intervention practices; hundreds of suggested activities to build solitary play and group and social-communication skills; and easy-to-use data collection forms and guidelines. |
Does Your Baby Have Autism? by: Osnat Teitelbaum & Philip Teitelbaum, PhD
Does Your Baby Have Autism? first provides general information about the history of autism, followed by a discussion of The Ladder of Motor Development. Each of four chapters then examines one motor skill - righting, sitting, crawling or walking - contrasting typical development with atypical development so that it's easy to recognize unusual patterns of movement. Also included is a unique thirty- second Tilt Test - easy to perform at home - which helps reveal a balance problem characteristic of children with autism. Finally, parents are guided in finding professional help for a child whose motor skills may indicate a pattern. |
Early Start Denver Model for Young Children with Autism by: Sally J. Rogers & Geraldine Dawson 2010 |
The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), is the first comprehensive, empirically tested intervention specifically designed for toddlers and preschoolers with autism. Supported by the principles of developmental psychology and applied behavior analysis, ESDM's intensive teaching interventions are delivered within play-based, relationship-focused routines. The manual provides structured, hands-on strategies for working with very young children in individual and group settings to promote development in such key domains as imitation; communication; social, cognitive and motor skills; adaptive behavior; and play. Implementing individualized treatment plans for each child requires the use of an assessment tool, the Early Start Denver Model Curriculum Checklist for Young Children with Autism. |
Embracing Play - Teaching Your Child with Autism (Video) by: Behavioral Intervention Assn. 2000 |
In this video, parents discuss the importance of play in reaching their child with autism and the rewards that follow. Professionals and parents demonstrate strategies for creating the structure necessary to foster your child's play skills. Teaching your child how to explore and enjoy objects in his/her environment, through "Object Focused Play", sets the foundation for your child's communication and social development. |
Emergence: Labeled Autistic by: Temple Grandin & Margaret M. Scariano 1996 |
Temple Grandin tells the story of her emergence, of how she went from a fear-gripped, autistic childhood to become a successful professional, a leader in her field. An astonishing true story, a chronicle of perseverance, courage and the loving wisdom of a few adults who saw in Temple what others couldn't. |
Exploring Feelings - Cognitive Behavior Therapy to Manage Anger by: Tony Attwood |
This program was designed to be highly structured, interesting and successful in encouraging the cognitive control of emotions. Activities and information are used to explore the specific feelings of being happy, relaxed, anxious or angry. There are sections for the students to record individual comments and responses to questions. There are two Exploring Feelings programs, one designed to manage anxiety, the other to manage anger. |
Exploring Feelings - Cognitive Behavior Therapy to Manage Anxiety by: Tony Attwood |
This program was designed to be highly structured, interesting and successful in encouraging the cognitive control of emotions. Activities and information are used to explore the specific feelings of being happy, relaxed, anxious or angry. There are sections for the students to record individual comments and responses to questions. There are two Exploring Feelings programs, one designed to manage anxiety, the other to manage anger. |
Finding Out About Asperger Syndrome, High-, Functioning Autism and PDD Gunilla Gerland |
This book should be read by all young people who receive a diagnosis of Aspergersyndrome, PDD or high-functioning autism. It can also be ready by their peers in school, siblings, and other children with whom they have contact. Adults may read it too, the better to understand the person with autism or Asperger Syndrome. |
Foundation Moves | Includes: Foundation Moves Preschool spiral bound lesson plan book/home letters, 2 heavy work blending bands, 2 frog pencils for vision activities, DVD.
Designed for use with preschoolers to develop foundation skills for school. May be appropriate for older children with developmental delays or those who are missing many foundation skills. Many children with special needs, even in K-3rdgrade may not have the skills mastered in this level. |
Focus Moves Kit | Includes DVD, Instruction Book, Activities Book and Focus Shapes |
Foundation Moves Kit | Includes DVD, Lesson Plan Book, Exercise Banks and Shapes |
Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescence by: Luke Jackson 2002 |
This is a book for adolescents with Asperger Syndrome written by a thirteen-year old who has a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome. He examines topics that range from the value of a personal explanation of the diagnosis through to experiencing bullying and the dating game. The chapters include explanations and strategies that are not available in other texts. He covers topics such as fascination and fixations, sensory perception, diet, sleep, teenage language problems with socializing at school, homework, dealing with bullies, the do's and don'ts of dating, moral dilemmas and an explanation of idioms that are particularly confusing for those with Asperger Syndrome. |
From the Classroom to the Workplace Vol.I & II by: Juanita Pritchard & Karla Stone 1997 |
Vol. I: This book offers a variety of activities that give opportunities to middle and high school students to experience situations they will encounter in the working world. The book is a versatile resource for special educations who want to offer their students a more realistic approach to learning vocational skills. Included: objectives, IEP goals, evaluation forms, calendar of skills, parent letters, general and specific overlays, activities and follow-up worksheets. Vol. II: same, but covers office/clerical and restaurant/food service. |
Fundamentals of Autism - A Handbook for Those Who Work with Children Diagnosed as Autistic by: Sue Larson |
The Fundamentals of Autism Handbook provides a quick, user-friendly, effective and accurate approach to help in identifying and developing educationally related program objectives for children diagnosed as autistic. These materials have been designed to be easily and functionally used by teachers, therapists, special education/learning disability resource specialists, psychologists and others who work with children diagnosed as autistic, as well as being easily adapted for children with similar disabilities. This set includes two accompanying checklists: 1) Autism Checklist for Parent/Home Settings, 2) Checklist for School/Educational/ Treatment Settings - when combined, ask for essential background information needed for diagnostic and/or the implementation of educational programming. The checklists break down and identify six noted relevant subscales of abnormal or impaired development typically demonstrated by individuals diagnosed as autistic: 1) situational, object and social interactions, 2) patterns and sequences, 3) cognitive/thought processes, 4) communication, 5) sensory stimulation, and 6) repetitive, stereotyped, and or self-stimulatory. |
Gilliam Asperger's Disorder Scale (GADS) Ages 3-0 through 22-0 Testing Time: 5-10 min. Administration: Individual by: James E. Gilliam (2 copies) |
This new norm-referenced test is designed to evaluate children with unique behavioral problems who may have Asperger's Disorder and is the only test of its kind with the ability to discriminate persons with Asperger's from persons with autism. Easily completed by a parent or professional who knows the child, the GADS is based on the most current and relevant definitions and diagnostic criteria of Asperger's Disorder, and is useful for contributing valuable information toward assessment, documenting behavioral progress, in targeting goals for IEPs and for research purposes. |
Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (GARS) by: James E. Gilliam |
Designed for use by teachers, parents and professionals, the GARS helps to identify and diagnose autism in individuals ages 3 through 22 and to estimate the severity of the problem. Items on the GARS are based on definitions of autism adopted by the Autism Society of America and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Fourth Edition (DSM-IV). The items are grouped into four subtests: Stereotyped Behaviors, Communication, Social Interaction and Developmental Disturbances. The GARS has three core subtests that describe specific and measurable behaviors and an optional subtest (Developmental Disturbances) that allows parents to contribute data about their child's development during the first three years of life. |
Going Out and About - A Community Based Educational Program by: Kari Daniels, M.A., CCC-SLP & Connie Schaper 1998 |
This new book helps to take students into the following community locations: grocery store, gas station, bowling alley, Police/Fire Departments, department store, Post Office, hotel, restaurant, library and doctor's office. Used as an integral part of a child's education,Going Out and About includes activities relating to recreation, health, safety and independent living. Applicable for preschool through high school, the book targets behaviors, including language skills and fine motor skills. |
Helping a Child with Non-Verbal Learning Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome Kathryn Stewart, Ph.D. |
This book addresses both the practicalities of life with Asperger's Syndrome and related conditions, the unusual thinking and learning styles associated with these, and how to intervene in the classroom. |
Higher Functioning Adolescents & Young Adults with Autism (A Teacher's Guide) Edited by: Ann Fullerton; illustrations by: Georgiana Thomas 1996 |
This comprehensive book provides important insights and practical strategies for teaching and supporting higher functioning students with autism in school. The examples used center on the high school years, but strategies apply to elementary school through college situations. |
How Do I Teach This Kid? Visual Work Tasks for Beginning Learners on the Autism Spectrum by: Kimberly A. Henry 2005 2 copies |
This resource provides special education teachers, therapists, parents and home-based therapists with practical, easy-to-implement ideas for creating over 80 different work tasks or boxes to be used to teach students to work independently and for an established length of time. This book contains classroom and home-tested ideas for addressing skills in six different areas: sorting, matching, reading, writing, mathematics and motor tasks. The ideas are designed for early learners, ages 2-10. Other books in the series will focus on teaching young learners beginning reading, writing and math skills and appropriate play skills using visually structured techniques. |
How Does Your Engine Run? - The Alert Program for Self-Regulation by: Mary Sue Williams, OTR & Sherry Shellenberger,OTR |
The program promotes awareness of how individuals regulate their arousal states and encourages the use of sensory-motor strategies. Consisting of a series of lessons and activities, the program helps children learn to monitor and change their levels of alertness appropriate to a situation or task. Though initially designed for children 8 to 12, the program has been adapted for preschool through high school students, and for adults. In addition, it has been implemented in a variety of settings including classroom, home, camp and private practice. |
How To Be A Friend - A Guide to Making Friends and Keeping Them by: Laurie Krasny Brown and Marc Brown 1998 |
The wise dinosaurs from the highly acclaimed Dino Life Guides for Families Series show the many ways to be a friend as well as ways not to. This valuable resource can serve as a checklist for children and their families as they experience the ups and downs of friendships. |
How to be A Para Pro - A Comprehensive Training Manual for Paraprofessionals by: Diane Twachtman-Cullen Illustrations by: David A. DeLorenzo 2000 |
This book is jam-packed with examples, anecdotes and practical strategies - four categories of educational support, reproducible data and record keeping forms, a blueprint for adjusting caregiver support, "how to" vignettes for problem situations, take home messages, bottom line statements and more. |
How Rude! The Teenager's Guide to Good Manners, Proper Behavior and Not Grossing People Out by: Alex J. Packer 1997 |
This all-encompassing how-to guide to the manners we all need to know is a valuable contribution to social skills training of individuals on the autism spectrum. |
How Well Does Your IEP Measure Up? by: Diane Twachtman-Cullen Jennifer Twachtman-Reilly 2002 |
The ultimate step-by-step guide to writing IEPs that really deliver! Contains sample goal and objective templates for areas of functioning that are typically neglected in IEPs for students with ASD, including oral-motor skills, executive function, theory of mind and critical thinking. |
I Am Special(Introducing Children and Young People to Their Autistic Spectrum Disorder) by: Peter Vermeulen 2000 (2 copies) |
This workbook is designed for young people over the age of 10 to work through with an adult and is devised especially for children who read, think and process information differently. Part One explains how to inform children that they have autism or Asperger syndrome and how to use the worksheets with groups or individuals. Part Two consists of a series of worksheets which the child works through with an adult to create a unique and personal book. |
Ian's Walk - A Story About Autism by: Laurie Lears & Illustrated by Karen Ritz 1998 |
This is an educational and entertaining book written for elementary age children telling the story about Ian, a young boy with autism. As Ian and his sister go to the park, Ian’s slightly unusual behaviors become noticeable. A good discussion tool to use with all ages on what some of the behavior characteristics of autism might mean. |
Inclusive Programming for Elementary Students with Autism by: Sheila Wagner, M.Ed. 1999 (2 copies) |
The newest book on inclusion illustrates methods and techniques to comfortably blend the student with autism and their classmates. User-friendly, written in language any teacher or parent can understand and the appendix offers materials to support the ideas introduced in the main chapters. |
Informal Assessments for Transition Planning by: Gary M. Clark, James R. Patton, L. Rozelle Moulton 2000 |
This one of a kind, easy-to-use book provides a comprehensive source of assessment procedures to help identify the transition needs of students (ages 14-21) in the areas of employment, further education and training, daily living, leisure activities, community participation, health, self-determination, communication and interpersonal relationships. |
Inside Out: What Makes A Person with Social Cognitive Deficits Tick? by: Michelle Winner 2000 |
This book introduces a framework of how to more specifically understand the deficits of persons with social cognitive disabilities, e.g. persons with Asperger Syndrome, High-Functioning Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorders - Not Otherwise Specified and Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities. The I LAUGH model is presented, which describes many of the key areas of cognition and related skills that are weak in persons with "social skills deficits". Worksheets and sample IEP goals are provided to demonstrate how to teach the concepts of social thinking and social relatedness. |
Intricate Minds - Understanding Classmates with Asperger Syndrome Video by Coulter 12 minutes |
This video provides an excellent introduction to Asperger Syndrome for typically developing adolescents and children. Individuals with the disorder movingly describe their own experience of the condition. This video serves as an excellent resource for teachers, school psychologists, speech pathologists and guidance counselors in helping typically developing peers. |
Intricate Minds II: Understanding Elementary School Classmates with Asperger Syndrome Video by Coulter 2006 16 minutes |
This 16-minute video enables students to see things from the point of view of kids who have Asperger Syndrome and helps them understand the challenges and strengths of kids who appear "different" on the surface. Geared for elementary students and staff. |
Let Community Employment be the Goal for Individuals with Autism by: Joanne Suomi, Lisa Ruble & Nancy Dalrymple |
A guide designed for people who are responsible for preparing individuals with autism to enter the world of work. |
Looking After Louis by: Lesley Ely & Polly Dunbar 2004 |
This children's book is the story of Louis, a child with autism, and how his teacher sets a mood of tolerance and acceptance in his regular education classroom. Inclusion and connection are the themes throughout the book. |
Making Sense of Autistic Spectrum Disorders James Coplan, MD 2010 |
In this authoritative and empowering book, one of the world's leading experts on early child development gives caregivers of children on the autistic spectrum the knowledge they need to navigate the complex maze of symptoms, diagnosis, tests, and treatment options that await them. Dr. Coplan grounds his recommendations in reality. His clear, comprehensive and compassionate advice prepares you to make informed medical decision, evaluate the various educational and therapeutic alternatives, and find answers to such fundamental questions as: How do I optimize my child's long-term potential? Which interventions will best serve my child? How do the various therapies work and what is the evidence to support them? What is the best way to teach my child? |
Making Sense of the Sensory: Understanding the Sensory Needs of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder by: MAWSECO & Freshwater Sped Dist. 2-Disc DVD |
This workshop will help participants understand "why" students engage in behaviors and the sensory basis behind them. Participants will learn to look at behavior from a different perspective and will learn practical and easy to use strategies to help students be more available for learning. Participants will see how changing the learning environment and incorporating sensory breaks will make the classroom environment a productive and fun place for all! |
Making Visual Supports Work in the Home and Community: Strategies for Individuals with Autism and Asperger Syndrome by: Jennifer L. Savner & Brenda Smith Myles 2000 2 copies |
Visual supports give children with autism and other pervasive developmental disorders more control of their environment, resulting in less frustration and fewer problem behaviors. This richly-illustrated and user-friendly book provides parents with all of the information they need to make effective visual supports specifically designed for their child, using a variety of materials - many of them commonly found around the home |
Making A Difference by: Catherine Maurice, Gina Green and Richard Foxx 2001 |
Like its predecessor, Behavioral Intervention for Young Children with Autism, this book combines solid, data-based information with practical problem-solving strategies. It will be a valuable resource for family members and professionals alike who strive to maximize the achievements of individuals with autism. Included in the work are powerful statements from parents Pamela Dawson and Lora Perry, who describe the challenges they faced in obtaining effective treatment for their children and how they navigated those challenges. Also included are chapters written by professionals who have dedicated their careers to finding creative and caring means of helping people with autism and their families. |
MeMoves - Mind Body Connect DVD 2011 |
MeMoves is a surprisingly simple, yet powerful combination of music, movements and images that make it easier to learn and connect. The movements are designed to integrate the brain and body by creating new connections and strengthening those that already exist. MeMoves has been carefully designed to activate and support a calm and attentive state. |
Mindblindness - An Essay on Autism & Theory of Mind by: Simon Baron-Cohen 1997 |
Drawing on data from comparative psychology, developmental psychology and neuro-psychology, Baron-Cohen argues that specific neuro-cognitive mechanisms have evolved that allow us to mind-read - that is, to make sense of actions, to interpret and ascribe mental/emotional states to those around us, and to decode what he calls the language of the eyes. Building on many years of research, the author concludes that children with autism suffer from mind-blindness as a result of a selective impairment in mind-reading. For these children the world is essentially a physical one, devoid of mental things. |
Minute Moves for the Classroom |
Includes: Minute Moves spiral bound book, DVD (located inside the spiral bound book cover), and 2 blending bands. Designed for use in the classroom. Has application lessons of the S’cool Moves for Learning book. Quick lessons for the classroom teachers to follows with excellent handouts and parent letters. |
More Than Words - Helping Parents Promote Communication and Social Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder by: Fern Sussman |
This parent guidebook contains extensive, practical information for parents in a user-friendly format that features loads of wonderful illustrations. This book contains an in-depth description of strategies drawn from current research that are known to help children with autism develop more advanced communication skills. These strategies help children learn in naturalistic contexts. |
Moving Toward Functional Social Competence (w/DVD) (MN Autism Project & Region 10 Special Education CoOp Projects) Compiled by: Heather Hanzlick, Lynn Petersen, Laurie Rogers -2008 |
The student scope and sequence profile has been developed as an alternative to help educators assess and provide effective interventions for students with significant challenges in social cognition. It is intended to be used as an interview tool for members of teams to record observed social behaviors in a student in a variety of settings. |
My Social Stories Book by: Carol Gray and Abbie Leigh White 2002 |
Written for children aged 2-6, My Social Stories Book contains over 150 stories (many illustrated),. as well as a helpful introduction explaining how to get the most out of the book. Taking the form of short narratives, the stories take children step-by-step through basic activities such as brushing your teeth, taking a bath and getting used to new clothes. They also help children to understand different experiences such as going to school, shopping and visiting the doctor. |
Navigating the Social World - A Curriculum for Individuals with Asperger's Syndrome, High Functioning Autism and Related Disorders by: Jeanette McAfee, M.D. 2002 |
This "how to" book is written for both the novice and experienced professional. Handouts, worksheets and tracking forms that provide a structured, logical and progressive approach are included. There are clear explanations of the relevant issues for each goal and the activities are consistent with the theoretical models of autism and Asperger's Syndrome. There is a special focus on recognizing and coping with emotions, communication, social understanding and abstract thinking with practical examples and quotations from individuals with Asperger's Syndrome and HFA. |
Nobody Nowhere - The Extraordinary Auto- biography of an Autistic by: Donna Williams 1994 |
This autobiography by Williams gives readers a guided tour of life with autism - with a foreword by Bernard Rimland - a New York Times bestseller for 15 weeks. "This is an incredible book. Must reading for anyone involved with autism." Daniel Torisky, former President, ASA. |
No More Meltdowns by: Jed Baker, Ph.D. 2008 |
Dr. Baker offers an easy-to-follow, 4-step model that will improve your everyday relationships with the children in your life: Managing your own emotions by adjusting your expectations; Learning strategies to calm a meltdown in the moment; Understanding why a meltdown occurs; Creating plans to prevent future meltdowns |
Parent Survival Manual- A Guide to Crisis Resolution in Autism and Related Developmental Disorders (2 copies) by: Eric Schopler 1995 |
Compiled from 350 anecdotes told by parents of autistic and developmentally disabled children and analyzed by professional behavior therapists, this book illustrates effective solutions to various problems such as aggression, communication, preservation, plan and leisure, eating and sleeping, toileting and hygiene. It also covers both individualized solutions to behavior problems and suggestions for obtaining community support. Schopler offers the autism-affected family quick reference to solutions of the most difficult behavior problems, as well as systematic behavioral analysis for individualized application to new problems. This book's "unique emphasis on empowering parents to determine their child" rehabilitation sets this volume apart from currently available guides. |
PECS Training Manual - 2nd Edition, 2002 by: Lori Frost & Andy Bondy |
This updated manual guides the reader through the six phases of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), which provides children with an effective and functional method of communication. Using picture symbols, they learn to construct sentences and more complex communications within a social context, which sets this picture-based system apart from more traditional systems. The manual includes information on the rationale for and the implementation of each phase of training, instructions for constructing pictures, discrimination training tips, data sheets and a PECS parent handout. |
Pics for PECS 2003: Colorful Symbols for Visual Communication by: Lori Frost & Rayna Bondy (2 CDs) |
Select, print and laminate your own PECS pictures! This new collection includes the pictures most commonly used by young children who communicate with PECS. Includes all the pictures from the following sets (sold pre-made in our regular catalog): *PECS151 (items children typically want and items that allow them to make very specific requests and/or comments plus sentence starter icons and beginning attribute icons) *Schedule Pictures *Circle-time Pictures *Action Pictures *Animal Pictures and *Potato Toy Pictures. |
Power Cards: Using Special Interests to Motivate Children and Youth with Asperger Syndrome and Autism by: Elisa Gagnon 2001 |
This step-by-step book shows parents and educators how to help change an unwanted or inappropriate behavior by capitalizing on the special interests that characterize children and youth with AS. A brief, motivational text related to a special interest or a highly admired person is combined with an illustration and made into a bookmark or business card-sized POWER CARD that the youth can refer to whenever necessary. For younger children, the special interest or hero is worked into a brief story. |
Practical Solutions to Everyday Challenges for Children with Asperger Syndrome by: Haley Morgan Myles 2002 |
Nine-year-old Haley Myles writes with the refreshing straightforwardness that is uniquely a child's. Her many practical suggestions for everyday situations are presented in an easy-to-read format complete with engaging illustrations. The information and child-friendly advice she has for kids on the spectrum is presented in a fun-to-read format. |
Pragmatic Activities for Language Intervention: Semantics, Syntax and Emerging Literacy by: Rhea Paul 1992 |
These lessons involve real conversational language in a variety of activities, including crafts, role-playing, puppetry and more. Use three developmentally organized sections to: *Develop early words, semantic relations and word combinations with young children *Teach preschoolers the syntax, vocabulary and concepts needed for communication and school readiness *Help older children make the transition from oral language to literacy. Also includes IEP goals, data collection sheets, info on normative data and more. Reproducible. |
Preparing for Life - Complete Guide for Transitioning to Adulthood for Those with Autism and Asperger Syndrome Dr. Jed Baker (2005) |
This easy-to-follow resource provides a complete toolbox of social skills and the means to attain them so that students may approach their futures with excitement rather than anxiety. Jed Baker tackes a wide variety of issues faced by individuals across the spectrum, such as perspective-taking, nonverbal communication skills, conversational skills, and stress management. he explains the laws and services that provide assistance, offers a multitude of options and resources, and encourages an emphasis on the students' assets as tools for meeting social goals. |
Preschool Education Programs for Children with Autism by: Sandra L. Harris, PhD & Jan S. Handelman 1994 |
In creating this book, 10 distinguished service providers from a variety of programs for children with autism were asked to address a set of questions concerning the structure, financing, staffing, assessment procedures, curriculum and support services of their program. In addition, each author discussed what he or she viewed as important unresolved issues in the education and treatment of autism in the pre-school years. |
Pretending to be Normal: Living with Asperger's Syndrome Liane Holliday Willey |
This book is an autobiography that will allow others to understand the world as perceived by a person with Asperger's Syndrome. The author describes herself as one of those 'people who never quite find their way, but never quite lose it either'. |
Promising Practices for the Identification of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders Manual - Nov. 2000 by: MN Dept. of Children, Families & Learning |
This is the key manual for teams to use in the identification and assessment of ASD process. The assessment process is clearly defined, including a comprehensive list of tools, use of MN criteria for eligibility and a sample evaluation report. |
Promising Practices in Autism: Effective Early Intervention (Manual & Video) 1999 by: Minnesota Autism Network |
This document was designed by the Minnesota Autism Network to be used as a guide to assist educational teams in identifying and programming for young children with autism and their families. The material may be reproduced without permission. |
Quirky Kids: Understanding and Helping Your Child Who Doesn't Fit in - When to Worry and When Not to Worry by: Perri Klass, M.D. and Eileen Costello, M.D. |
Realizing the College Dream with Autism or Asperger Syndrome - A Parent's Guide to Student Success by: Ann Palmer 2006 |
This accessible book focuses on how parents can help their ASD child to get to college, and how to get the most out of it. Ann Palmer offers tried-and-tested advice on how to prepare students for the transition from home life to high school to a new environment and educational challenges, and explains how to support them through potential problems with social integration, academic pressure, self-disclosure and appropriate levels of participation in college. |
Relationship Development Intervention with Children, Adolescents and Adults - Social and Emotional Development Activities for Asperger Syndrome, Autism, PDD and NLD by: Steven E. Gutstein and Rachelle K. Sheely 2002 |
Over 150 enjoyable and stimulating activities covering the gamut of social and emotional development. Activities can be undertaken independently, or with a teacher or therapist. |
Relationship Development with Young Children - Social and Emotional Development Activities for Asperger Syndrome, Autism, PDD and NLD by: Steven E. Gutstein and Rachelle K. Sheely 2002 |
Designed for children between ages 2 and 8, this comprehensive set of enjoyable activities emphasizes foundation skills such as social referencing, regulating behavior, conversational reciprocity, and synchronized actions. Suitable for use in homes, school and therapeutic settings. |
Right From the Start: Intensive Behavioral Intervention for Young Children with Autism by: Sandra L. Harris, PhD & Mary Jane Weiss, PhD |
This information and user-friendly guide helps parents of young children with autism and related disorders and their service providers explore programs that use early intensive behavioral intervention. In this proven educational method based on applied behavioral analysis, each behavior is broken into its components and taught step by step. |
S’cool Moves For Learning | This book discusses the developmental framework for learning (pyramid). Includes the autonomic nervous system, sensation, posture, body image, laterality, directionality, pre-academics, and academics. Describes each level in a chapter of this book and how to select appropriate tasks for the child’s needs. Includes suggestion of how to modify tasks for student specific needs |
Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) by: Lucy Jane Miller, Ph.D., OTR 2006 |
Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), a complex brain syndrome that affects the way we experience sensations in taste, touch, sound, sight, smell, movement, and body awareness is explained in laymen's terms. The best-known SPD researcher in the world brings together a lifetime of study and vivid stories to teach parents and others the signs and symptoms of SPD and its four major subtypes; ways the disorder is diagnosed and treated; strategies for coping with it; and advocacy methods to bring families help and hope. |
Sensory Defensiveness in Children Aged 2-12 (An Intervention Guide for Parents and Other Caretakers) by: Patricia Wilbarger, Med, OTR, FAOTA & Julie Wilbarger, MS, OTR 1991 |
This 24-page booklet is written for parents and caretakers of children with sensory defensiveness. It defines and describes the symptoms and behaviors related to the problem. Treatment approaches and the rationale behind treatment strategies are also presented. |
Siblings of Children with Autism: A Guide for Families by: Sandra Harris |
The needs of a child with autism can be so all-consuming that parents may unintentionally overlook the needs of the child's brother or sister. This book helps parents become more aware of relationships between their children and balances each family member's needs. Parents discover successful ways to address the needs of all their children without shortchanging themselves in the process. |
Sleep Better: A Guide to Improving Sleep for Children with Special Needs by: V. Mark Durand 1998 |
This book offers professionals and parents, in a step-by-step approach, "how to" instructions for addressing a variety of sleep-related problems. These widely tested, largely drug-free techniques have helped hundreds of children with special needs. |
Skillstreaming in Early Childhood - Revised Edition Ellen McGinnis Arnold P. Goldstein (2003) |
Skillstreaming is a process that focuses on four direct instruction principles of learning. These learning procedures - modeling, roleplaying, performance feedback and generalization have been used to teach a variety of behaviors, from academic competencies to sports to daily living skills. These procedures are applied in Skill-streaming to teach the child desirable pro-social behaviors. The purpose of this revised edition is to share with teachers and others what has been learned about Skillstreaming with preschool children during the past decade. |
Skillstreaming the Adolescent - Revised Edition Ellen McGinnis Arnold P. Goldstein (2003)
This book is a journey to the world of people skills. It is a trainer preparation manual written in how-to detail for teachers and other professionals concerned with changing the behavior of aggressive adolescents for the better. As the real-life incidents next described illustrate, aggressive youngsters are often proficient in antisocial ways of responding to real or imagined provocations but weak in carrying out various pro-socially constructive alternative behaviors. It is a curriculum of just such positive alternatives that the Skillstreaming method is designed to teach. |
Skillstreaming the Elementary School Child Revised Edition Ellen McGinnis Arnold P. Goldstein (2003) |
First introduced in 1976 as one of the first social skills training approaches for adults and adolescents, Skillstreaming is now used in hundreds of schools, agencies and institutions serving youth throughout the United States and beyond. The purpose of this revised edition is to share with teachers and other instructors what has been learned about Skillstreaming with elementary-age children during the past decade. |
Social Behavior Mapping: Connecting Behavior, Emotions and Consequences Across the Day by: Michelle Garcia Winner 2007 |
This is a simple, predictable and systematic method of teaching students to better understand how their behavior impacts how other people think about them. It is a great example of how one can use black and white systems to objectively teach sensitive social realities. |
Social Behavior and Self-Management by: Kari Dunn Buron 2013 | This 5-Point Scale series addresses adolescents and adults, capitalizing on their strengths in logic and systematizing. It provides a handy scaffold for self-monitoring and social interaction. |
Socially Curious and Curiously Social by: Michelle Garcia Winner and Pamela Crooke |
This guidebook is written for teens and young adults to learn how the social mind is expected to work in order to effectively relate to others at school, at work, in the community and even at home. The book is written in the language of teens as a "get real" discussion about what really goes on inside the minds of people as we share space together. |
Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) by: John N. Constantion, M.D. & Christian P. Gruber, Ph.D. Western Psychological Services March, 2005 |
The SRS is a 65-item questionnaire covering interpersonal behavior, communication and repetitive/stereotypic behavior that are characteristic of autism spectrum disorders. It provides a quantitative score for autistic social impairment of children ages 4-18 that allows comparisons across settings and against norms established with different raters. |
Social Stories and Comic Strip Conversations - Unique Methods to Improve Social Understanding by: Carol Gray 1997
An effective tool for teaching social and communication skills to a wide variety of students in a variety of situations. Originally developed for students with autism, these techniques are also applicable to students with learning, emotional, cognitive and communicative impairments. This approach teaches social skills through improved social understanding and the extensive use of visual materials. |
Solving Behavior Problems in Autism by: Linda A. Hodgdon, M.ED, CCC-SLP 1990 |
This resource targets an area of greatly expressed need, provides a practical and pragmatic approach to managing problem behaviors and is packed with samples and examples of strategies that have worked to improve communication and solve behavior problems. |
Strategies for Organization - Preparing for Homework and the Real World (DVD & Workbook) by: Michelle Garcia Winner 2005 2 copies |
In this DVD and workbook, Michelle explains different types of organizational tasks and how to help students focus more on their strengths than their weaknesses when approaching a homework assignment. Ten steps for organizing and producing homework focuses specifically on many of the skills needed to complete not only a night of homework, but also to manage our jobs, chores and even planning and going on vacations throughout our lives. |
Study Skills 1 & 2 by: Saddleback Publications 2008 |
The 200 reproducible activities in this series allow students to master study skills with fun, high-interest exercises. From reducing the stress of test taking to looking up words in a dictionary, these binders have it all. Includes: organizing for study, improving memory, taking notes, study strategies, time management, goal setting, outlining, answering essay questions and more! The annotated table of contents allows educators to pick-and-choose the activities needed for their classrooms. |
Superflex...A Superhero Social Thinking Curriculum & the Comic book Superflex Takes on Rock Brain and the Team of Unthinkables ...A New Beginning by: Stephanie Madrigal 2008 |
Complete with illustrations on practical worksheets and many useful lessons, this curriculum is becoming central to working with elementary school students with social learning challenges and encourages teachers to set up their own "Superflex Academy". It is designed to be paired with the comic book where Superflex, our social thinking superhero helps to teach elementary school students about how they can use strategies to conquer their own, not quite so flexible "Team of Unthinkables". Through this humorous and delightful comic book, students are encouraged to think about thinking and what they can do to self-regulate some of their own wayward thoughts and behaviors. |
Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Role of the Paraprofessional by: MN CFL, College of Education and Human Development at U of MN 2003 (2 copies) |
This curriculum is primarily for paraprofessionals who are (or will be) working in educational settings as well as for those in direct service settings, such as vocational programs and residential settings. The workbook is an excellent introduction to autism spectrum disorders and various educational strategies used to promote successful learning. |
Taming the Recess Jungle by: Carol Gray 1993 |
Socially simplifying recess for students with autism and related disorders. |
Tasks Galore by: Laurie Eckenrode, Pat Fennell & Kathy Hearsey (2003) 2 copies |
Designed for teachers, therapists and parents to assist in creating a fun and meaningful task collection of your own. The book features over 250 full-color photos of highly organized, multi-modal tasks. |
Tasks Galore - For the Real World - by: Pat Fennell, Laurie Eckenrode and Kathy Hearsey (2004) 2 copies |
Designed for teachers, therapists and parents, this book features over 240 full-color photos of highly organized multi-modal tasks that emphasize functional skills needed for daily living. East task includes visual strategies that enhance independence in the home, school, community and workplace. |
Tasks Galore - Let's Play by: Laurie Eckenrode, Pat Fennell, Kathy Hearsey, Beth Reynolds 2009 |
Tasks Galore - Let's Play, the fourth book in the popular resource series for parents, teachers, and therapists, utilizes play as the program for learning. Chapters demonstrate how routines, organizational strategies and visual cues make play more understandable so students can: share enjoyment, use toys appropriately, manage play times, make and end choices, pretend, and play with peers. Printable visual supports that will generalize the multiple learning situations are also included. |
Tasks Galore - Making Groups Meaningful by: Laurie Eckenrode, Pat Fennell and Kathy Hearsey (2005) 2 copies |
The third book in the Tasks Galore series draws on the authors' experiences as teachers and therapists with Division TEACCH. Wanting to make the lives of people with communication challenges richly rewarding, the authors describe how applying structured teaching strategies, individualizing skills, establishing flow between one-to-one and group learning, and organizing curricula around themes have helped them design successful group activities. Examples illustrate how students learn concepts, construct projects, make music, exercise and simply have fun in group settings. |
Teaching Children with Autism - Strategies to Enhance Communication & Socialization Edited by: Kathleen Ann Quill, EdD |
This is the only text devoted to the treatment of social communication impairments in autism and related disorders. The teaching methods presented address the unique cognitive, language and social needs of the child with autism. Assessment and intervention guidelines are summarized within the appendices to assist the teacher in strategy implementation. |
Teaching Children with Autism to Mind-Read: A Practical Guide for Teachers and Parents by: Patricia Howlin and Simon Baron-Cohen, Editors 1999 |
This guide explores the relationship of "theory of mind" deficits to other areas of children's functioning and describes existing experimental work that has attempted to enhance the skills associated with understanding others' minds. Includes: *how to interpret facial expressions *how to recognize feelings of anger, fear, sadness and happiness *how to see things from another person's perspective and *how to understand another person's knowledge and beliefs. This easy-to-follow graded teaching guide is of particular relevance to special needs teachers, educational and clinical psychologists, speech/language therapists and those who care for children with autism spectrum conditions. |
Teaching Developmentally Disabled Children by: Ivar Lovass 1981 |
Teaching Play to Children with Autism - Practical Interventions Using Identiplay by: Nicky Phillips and Liz Beavan 2007 |
The authors explain how to use this positive and practical intervention and provide three video clips to facilitate professional training. The Identiplay intervention, based on the work of Beyer and Gammeltoft, promotes the development of social skills and social understanding, imagination, exploration, flexibility and change. |
Teaching Your Child the Language of Social Success by: Marshall P. Duke, Stephen Nowicki, Jr., & Elisabeth A. Martin 1996 |
This easy to use guide explains the methods and rules of nonverbal communication. It offers definitions and techniques for assessing a child's strengths and weaknesses in this unspoken realm, as well as case studies, illustrations and exercises for teaching or improving nonverbal skills at home or in the classroom. |
Teach Me Language(Manual and Companion Exercise Forms) by: Sabrina Freeman, PhD & Lorelei Dake, B.A. 1997 |
A language manual for children with autism, Asperger Syndrome and related developmental disorders. |
Ten Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew by: Ellen Notbohm (2005) 3 copies) |
This book defines the top ten characteristics that illuminate the minds and hearts of children with autism based on the author's personal experience as a parent, an autism columnist, and a contributor to numerous parenting magazines. |
The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (The ABLLS) by: James W. Partington, Ph.D. & Mark L. Sundberg, Ph.D. |
An Assessment, Curriculum Guide and Skills Tracking System for Children with Autism or Other Developmental Disabilities |
The Comprehensive Autism Planning Systems (CAPS) for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome, Autism and Related Diseases: Integrating Best Practices Throughout the Student's Day by: Shawn Henry and Brenda Smith Myles 2007 |
This resources provides a framework for organizing information in a thoughtful manner to more effectively educate and support individuals across the autism spectrum by addressing all aspects of their program. It is laid out in an easy-to-use framework which gives teachers the organizing tools they need to take advantage of the many teachable moments throughout each school day. |
The Explosive Child by: Ross W. Greene, Ph.D. |
We've all seen them: children who explode when they are told to do something or when things don't go their way. Children who get "stuck" over seemingly simple requests, benign issues and sudden changes in plans. They may be very anxious, irritable and volatile. They may have difficulty telling you what they are frustrated about or thinking through potential solutions to problems. Dr. Greene lays out a sensitive, practical, effective, systematic approach to helping these children at home and school, including: 1) reducing hostility and antagonism between the child and adults, 2) anticipating situations in which the child is most likely to explode, 3) creating an environment in which explosions are less likely to occur, 4) focusing less on reward and punishment and more on communication and collaborative problem-solving, 5) helping to develop self-regulation and thinking skills to be more flexible and handle frustration more adaptively. |
The Hidden Curriculum: Practical Solutions for Understanding Unstated Rules in Social Situations by: Brenda Smith Myles Melissa Trautman, Ronda Schelvan 2004 |
Utilizing concrete examples of hidden curriculum items across myriad potential environments, the authors have provided families, professionals and persons on the spectrum with a truly practical approach to understanding the hidden rules associated with the complex social dialogue of life at home, in school and in the community. |
The Incredible 5-Point Scale by: Kari Dunn Buron and Mitzi Curtis, 2004 |
This is an excellent book that will help teachers, aides, principals and parents to truly understand the behavior of students with Asperger Syndrome and high-functioning autism while learning simple and effective methods for managing behavior problems. This approach will also allow many students to ultimately self-manage their behavior. |
The Incredible 5-Point Scale: The significantly Improved and Expanded Second Edition
By: Kari Dunn Buron and Mitzi Curtis 2013 |
The revised and expanded 2nd edition continues the teaching approach from the first book, adding new ideas for teaching and reinforcing social and behavior management skills across an expanded range of ages and abilities. In addition to offering helpful insights for teaching young children ('Do you feel like Tigger or Eeyore right now?'), the book shows how scales can be used to teach nonverbal children or children with more classic forms of autism. Also - a huge plus - the book gives examples of how the scale can be written into an IEP. |
The Measurement of Behavior by: Ron Van Houten & R. Vance Hall 2001 |
Newly revised and updated for 2001, this book is the primer on how to measure behavior. Practitioners of behavior management and students who are just learning the basics of applied behavior analysis will find this new edition packed with useful information from the original version, supplemented by advances in the field. |
The New Social Storybook by: Carol Gray 1994 |
This edition contains 99 new stories that effectively teach relationships, manners, caring, appropriate behavior , hygiene, managing fears and much more. It includes an updated Social Story Kit, that covers the guidelines that are needed to create your own stories. |
The OASIS Guide to Asperger Syndrome Patricia Romanowski Bashe Barbara L. Kirby Simon Baron-Cohen Tony Attwood |
OASIS is a resource for family members and professionals. The authors of this book have organized a massive amount of critical information into a comprehensive and valuable guide. |
The Social Skills Picture Book for High School by: Jed Baker, Ph.D. |
Photos of actual students engaging in a wide variety of social situations show, rather than tell, the right (and wrong) ways to interact in different circumstances. Students are encouraged to use photographs of themselves to create a booklet for each skill they learn, to make performance of the skills more concrete. |
The Social Skills Picture Book - Teaching Play, Emotion, and Communication to Children with Autism by: Jed Baker, Ph.D. |
This book, with many real-life photos, is a dynamic teaching tool that engages the attention and motivation of students who need extra help learning appropriate social skills by demonstrating nearly 30 social skills such as conversation, play, emotion management and empathy. |
The Ziggurat Model: A Framework for Designing Comprehensive Interventions for Individuals with High- Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome by: Ruth Aspy, PhD and Barry Grossman, PhD 2007 |
With the Ziggurat Model of Intervention, Drs. Aspy and Grossman have synthesized the research on program planning and functional behavior assessment into a useful and user- friendly decision model leading to the development of truly comprehensive, functionally determined educational and behavior support plans. |
The Ziggurat Model - Release 2.0 Ruth Aspy, PhD. Barry G. Grossman, PhD.(2011) |
A book that provides a comprehensive approach to intervention for more able individuals with autism and Asperger Syndrome. |
Thinking About You Thinking About Me by: Michelle Winner 2002 |
The author explores how perspective taking impacts students' abilities to socially relate as well as comprehend academic assignments that are laden with social themes such as comprehension of literature and working with peers in group assignments. The book also includes: a strategy called the "ME Binder", a strategy called "Social Behavior Mapping", sample IEP goals and benchmarks and a chapter on assessment to explore informal and formal test procedures that enrich the exploration of social cognition during the overall diagnostic/ assessment process |
Thinking in Pictures and Other Reports From My Life with Autism by: Temple Grandin 1995 |
Temple Grandin, Ph.D., is a gifted animal scientist who has designed one third of all the livestock-handling facilities in the United States. She also lectures widely on autism - because Temple Grandin is autistic, a woman who thinks, feels and experiences the world in ways that are incomprehensible to the rest of us. In this unprecedented book, Grandin delivers a report from the country of autism. Writing from the dual perspectives of a scientist and an autistic person, she tells us how that country is experienced by its inhabitants and how she managed to breach its boundaries to function in the outside world. What emerges in Thinking in Pictures is the document of an extraordinary human being, one who, in gracefully and lucidly bridging the gulf between her condition and our own, sheds light on the riddle of our common identity. |
Think Social! A Social Thinking Curriculum for School-Age Students by: Michelle Garcia Winner |
This new curriculum publication demonstrates how to develop a social thinking vocabulary with which to teach children, parents and teachers across the years. It starts with lessons on 'Being Part of a Group' and continues into self-monitoring behavior, the development of language-specific skills, awareness of language meaning and the development of imagination and wonder towards play/conversation. It introduces ways to explore complex issues of problem solving, hidden curriculum and social rules as they change during our lifetimes. |
This is Asperger Syndrome by: Elisa Gognon & Brenda Smith Myles Illustrated by: Sachi Tahara 1999 |
Experience the world from the perspective of a young child with Asperger Syndrome. |
To Be Me - Understanding What It's Like to Have Asperger's Syndrome by: Rebecca Etlinger 2005 |
This is a children's book giving a day-to-day look of what it is like to live with Asperger's Syndrome. |
Toilet Training for Individuals with Autism and Related Disorders by: Maria Wheeler 1998 |
This comprehensive guide for parents and teachers is loaded with over 200 toilet training tips, more than 40 case examples (with solutions) and 10 "cautions". Chapters include: *determining readiness, *developing a routine, *dressing for the occasion, *habit training, *teaching continence, *communicating the need to use the toilet, *toileting in unfamiliar environments, *nighttime training, *common problems (and solutions) associated with toilet training persons with autism and much more. |
Trevor Trevor by: Diane Twachtman-Cullen Illustrated by: Deidre Sassano 1998 |
Trevor is a child with impressive, though isolated skills, whose characteristics and problems in social relationships suggest a form of autism or other type of pervasive developmental disorder. The ultimate goal ofTrevor Trevor is to enable typical peers to see things from a different perspective so that they may become more sensitive to the important roles which they play in the lives of their classmates with differences. |
Visual Recipes - A Cookbook for Non-Readers by: Tabitha Orth 2000 |
This is a picture cookbook written for individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. With its photos and easy-to-follow directions,Visual Recipes will enable independence and confidence for anyone in the kitchen. |