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About Us

Our District

The Meeker and Wright Special Education Cooperative (MAWSECO) is a Joint Powers District located immediately west of Minneapolis and south of St. Cloud. MAWSECO was established in 1975 for the purpose of providing leadership, services, and support to meet the needs of and increase opportunities for staff, students, and families within our member public school districts. MAWSECO is proud to serve our seven founding member districts: Annandale, Dassel-Cokato, Delano, Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted, Litchfield, Maple Lake, and Rockford. Through cooperation, our member school districts are better able to provide educational opportunities for students in an efficient and effective manner. Administrative and service costs are reduced and member districts are assured of fiscal equity because of the organization's formal, uniform, and consistent policies, procedures, and service agreements relating to shared staff and programs. 

MAWSECO provides a number of special education and related services on behalf of its member districts including: Assistive Technology consultation, Autism Resource Team, Behavior Analysts, Braillist, Early Childhood Special Education Part C (Birth-2) services, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physical/Health Disabilities, Orientation & Mobility Services, Speech-Language Therapy, Teachers of the Blind/Visually Impaired, Teachers of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing, School Psychologists, and leadership from the Special Education administrative team.   

In addition to special education leadership, support, and services provided for its member districts, MAWSECO operates eight alternative programs on behalf of its members including: elementary, mid-level, and secondary Federal Setting IV special education programs, a secondary transition program for students ages 18-22, and operates educational programs at three residential care and treatment facilities.  

MAWSECO has a seven-member governing board. Member districts are each represented on the MAWSECO governing board by one member of each local district's board of directors. The Governing Board is empowered generally to act in the interest of the member districts and to provide for a thorough and continuing system of reporting to, and communication with, the Board of Education for each member district. Superintendents serve in an advisory capacity to the MAWSECO Executive Director and meet monthly as an Executive Advisory Committee.