The mission of the Cooperative is to provide quality special education leadership, services and support that always meets or exceeds the expectations of those we serve. Effective communication, positive and proactive problem-solving, fiscal responsibility and a strong commitment to personnel development will be employed to provide cutting edge resources and information as well as flexibility to address changing needs.
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Journeys, STEP, Trek, VRAP & Wings
Journeys, STEP, Trek, VRAP & Wings
Journeys, STEP, Trek, VRAP & Wings
MAWSECO Programs
MAWSECO operates eight alternative programs on behalf of its members.
Click on each program to learn more.
Cornerstones is a Federal Setting IV special education program located at the Wright Technical Center in Buffalo, MN and managed by MAWSECO.
The Eastern Wright Program is an intermediate level (grades 6-8) federal setting IV special education program designed to meet the needs of students who experience significant emotional and/or behavioral disabilities.
The Journeys program is located at the MAWSECO Education Center in Howard Lake and serves children with behavioral needs in grades K-4. It is a multi-district program and is managed by Meeker & Wright Special Education Cooperative.
Sholund School for Girls is an educational program located on the grounds of Village Ranch, Inc., a residential facility for females, licensed by the Department of Corrections. The educational program serves students from the residence as well as day students living in local communities. Students attending Sholund range from 12-18 years of age.
STEP (Student Transitioning in Educational Programming) is an educational program for young adults ages 18 up to age 22 with special needs. It is a community-based special education program emphasizing work experience and independent living skills.
TREK is a program designed for students who have been identified as having severe communication or neurological disorders. The target population for this program includes students who have been identified with Autism Spectrum Disorders or Developmental Cognitive Disorders and exhibit behavioral patterns which negatively affect the ability to interact with peers or adults in the regular school setting. TREK provides program solutions to effectively create an environment of successful learners.
Village Ranch Alternative Program (VRAP) is an educational program located on the grounds of Village Ranch, Inc., a residential facility for males, licensed by the Department of Corrections. The educational program serves students from the residence as well as day students living in local communities. Students attending VRAP range from 12-18 years of age.
The Wings Alternative Program provides educational services to residents of the Wings Adolescent Treatment Center, a treatment center for chemical dependency for up to 18 adolescents 14 years and older (grades 7-12) from throughout Minnesota and from other states. Local students cannot attend this program.